The Mirror Universe

Princess Zelda and Evil Marin
Garmay and Mirror Skye
Princess Kara and Evil Kara
Kally Summer and Evil Kallista
Artem Barr and Evil Artem
Van Fanel and Evil Van
Arrio Chain and Vincentio
Amanda Harkin and Evil Amanda

As difficult as it is to believe, there is a universe, parallel to ours where things are a complete opposite of the familiar.  People, places, and things are all doubled, but reversed.  Good is evil.  Weak is strong.  Smart is dull.  All things exist in a perfect balance.  This place is called the Mirror Universe, a realm that rarely is touched upon by the people of our world.  Until now...
The people of the Mirror Universe have found a way to break through the barriers that separate dimensions.  With conquest on their minds, these warriors and mages threaten the very balance of existence.  Using observation and surprise to their advantage, they have begun a massive strike against the Crystal Realm. 
Now a full scale battle rages.  The forces of the Mirror Universe battle against the forces of the Crystal Realm.  With traitors on both sides, love affairs, manipulations, and people constantly switching places, there is no clear way to tell who will triumph in the ultimate battle of good versus evil.
On this page, you can learn about the warriors in this battle.  Read up to compare and contrast the forces of the Mirror Universe versus the forces of the Crystal Realm.  Knowledge is power.  There is no better defense against the war that lies ahead.
